In the book, Amanda begins to learn about face reading as it pertains to the forehead and eyes. Here we are going to talk about an important facial clue to pride which is not mentioned in the book - the nose.
Are you familiar with the story of Pinocchio? The original story of Pinocchio. In that story, whenever Pinocchio lies, his nose grows. Do you think the same thing happens in real-life? Is the Pinocchio story rooted in a true observation by its author?
Well, you may take the position that it doesn't happen and that it is just a "story" out of an author's imagination. But, somewhere inside, we think you will know whether what is on these tabs is "truthful" or not. Your choice.
We are going to say, yes, the same thing happens in real-life. Of course, the nose doesn't grow as fast as in the book or a Pinocchio movie, but, it does grow. It doesn't grow so outwardly exaggerated as in the cartoon - of course (Though one individual who is revered as a God of sorts, kind of comes close - more on him later). We are going to show you how to notice it, because amazingly, knowledge of this obvious facial trait and what it means, is not well known at all - despite the popularity of this story.
WARNING: This section could be very difficult to read for some, because we are talking about something very personal to many. And/or very personal to people you know and/or live/work with - you have their energy in you. If you are already working on internalizing Mind / No Mind -- it might be handy to have it front of you while you are reading through this section.
We recommend seeing yourself in a 90 degree angled two mirror setup. Tell us what you see.
Background photo credit: Shutterstock
We are not taught face reading in school, so many of us have no clue about just how much is revealed about someone by just looking at a few facial traits. Books that we have found about face reading - for the most part, we have found to be confusing, and lengthier than necessary. They use specialized language, and some of their observations are tainted by misconceptions - and their own pride / dark energy. We will leave it at that. Reader beware.
We may also be conditioned to not have superficial opinions of other people based on their appearance, so we may not notice certain details. Rather, we might strive to get to know their personality better. (Did you know the root for the word PERSON(ality) = ACTOR?) "Don't judge a book by its cover," you might have been told. "Don't stare at someone," you might also have heard. [As you get better at doing this, you won't have to stare at anyone, you will notice it in a split-second]
Also, our focus may be on other parts of someone's body / face. Hair, breasts, chest, six-pack (or fat belly), rear end, eyes, or legs for example. Whether by conditioning, or a sexual attraction to certain parts of the body. Or we may be fixated on someone's clothing (men in uniform, ladies?), jewelry, or other material possessions - house, car, phone, purse, etc.... Or we may be so fixated on ourselves that we don't notice certain details about other people. Considering the importance of clothing (dress to impress), jewelry, and other artifacts of our material world - many of us are 'superficial' so to speak then - we just don't collectively know much about the nose! There may be a negative connotation attached to the word "superficial," we just think of it as "what is on the surface," w/o any negativity in particular.
The cultures we live in also form our values about face - including the shape of the nose. Thus, we may think certain features are "normal." Culture isn't just by ethnicity, but by socio-economic class. "Birds of a feather, flock together." Lastly, our own personal (emotional) history with certain looks and behaviors clouds our ability to notice differences between our noses. For example, if we respect a certain individual for doing certain "good deeds" for us or others, we place a positive label on their face. Thus, we may become blind to that person's faults, and subsequent people who look like that. Love is blind, so the saying goes.
As you look at more noses, from different angles, in different lighting and contexts, you will soon be able to quickly add the shape of a nose as a tool to help you determine someone's general personality without even meeting them. Also as a judge of how much dark energy they have inside.
Notice how this nose is a little more pointed than the image on the left, covering up the nostrils.
Credit: Shutterstock
Elsewhere on this website we are revealing how the shape of our eyes can reveal insights about the inside of someone. Now, we are learning about the nose. In the Optimal Teeth section, you can learn about the teeth and jaw structure, which also give clues about other parts of the body - it's all connected.
In popular lore, certain nose shapes are often not considered attractive and/or considered belonging to an unfriendly individual. A prominent example is that of witches. As in the photos, the nose is often sharply pointed downward. It may be in the form of a hook. A casual search on the Internet may give you more photo examples. Of course, the nose may be exaggerated in a mask such as on the left, but there is an inspiration from real-life.
We should note that historically, the term 'witch,' has been used to villify individuals that perhaps just wanted to live a different way (or were just having issues getting rid of dark energy!). We'll just say, don't get hung up on the word / label, we're just trying to illustrate the shape of the nose as it relates to popular culture and people's opinions of people who have such noses.
Perhaps you are familiar with the observation that people tend to touch their nose when they are lying*.
"Where there's smoke, there's fire," so the saying goes. And indeed, this is what happens. People who lie touch their nose more, because it is growing! Just like Pinocchio! We'll also add people who think about themselves more. After all, to lie, you have to think about yourself more. Let us not confuse people who genuinely think something is/was true, talk about it, but then later realize they were mistaken - because of misinterpretation, or inadequate knowledge of how events would change. We can all be fooled or make wrong interpretations. Our ability to analyze an event or series of events or situation, is only as good as our prior experience (Let me tell you about my "mistake" someday! - WC Peace).
Liars may not touch their nose at the very moment they are lying, because that can be consciously controlled. But more dishonest people won't be able to stop themselves from touching their noses when they aren't consciously in control, or they are not thinking about it.
Extra: Do animals lie? Where did the ability to lie come from? How can it be that the shape of our nose is related to lying?
Earlier we linked to this Daily Mail article. A search on Youtube found this related video of former US President Clinton talking re: the event in question. The video failed to corroborate the assertions in the article. Maybe we were looking at the wrong video? Or maybe the article is fradulent? An email to the organization in question went unanswered. Reader and watcher beware! Regardless, the phenomenon holds true.
So, if a longer nose like Pinocchio or a witch is representative of those who lie more often and/or more self-conscious, what is an ideal nose, or more natural nose, or more optimum nose? Any word we choose might trigger a knee-jerk emotional reaction in someone. Relax. Just like the eyes, one answer lies in looking at babies.
Let's look at the noses of some babies before we explore the size and shape of noses like Pinocchio. (Babies and young children up to several years old, for the most part, do not lie - act out repressed feelings - yes, but not lie) See 1 - Raising Children, 2 - Parenting, 3 - Verywell, 4 - Psychology Today, 5 - Parents.com.
Of the stock baby images we are showing here, a couple of them look a little flat, and one looks elongated. Babies have dark energy too if you recall from the book, and if you accept past lives, then all babies bring their own energy in to this life which influences facial development. (Many parents will testify that their babies have unique personalities. Where does that come from? What about post-partum depression? Strange dreams of pregnant women? - dark energy....) We are not going to say one particular nose is an optimum nose, but one thing is for certain - none of them are like witch noses or Pinocchio noses that you are going to learn more about in the next few tabs.
Don't get hung-up on the race of the babies or anything other than the nose. We only have so many stock images we've licensed. Right click on any image to view it a little bit larger. Click here to see a generic google image search of baby faces - filter out the babies with an expression that distorts the shape of the nose temporarily. You will get different results of course depending on which search engine you use - bing, yahoo, duckduckgo, baidu, etc..., and which country version you are using.
Old Sculptures
Another place to look at what a more optimal nose is like, is to look in our past - when there was less dark energy. And the best way we know of, is to look at the earliest sculptures of the human form.
Large of left --
Large of right
At the Jordan Museum in Amman, Jordan, is a display case with some old artifacts. Dated to about 7000 BC, they are among the oldest sculptures depicting a human form. They are the oldest to depict the eyes and nose that we know of. Take a closer look. Neither of these faces have a downward sloping pointy nose, let alone a hook nose. The nostrils are clearly showing in a frontal view. There are more statues in the Smithsonian link. The noses are all similar. This doesn't mean there weren't any individuals who didn't have Pinocchio-like noses though. A thorough analysis of all sculptures with nose features through time would be insightful.
Come back and look at these images after you've read the next few tabs.
Preserving Ancient Stautes in Jordan (Smithsonian) - Jordan Museum (Official Site) - Wikipedia article
Oldest statue (figurine) in the world - Oldest known sculpture (Wired) - Ivory Carving of human form (CBC) -
Look at the man on the left. Now, hover over the image and look at the nose of the baby (Maybe you've seen it before, it's just a stock image we are using). Keep comparing the images until you can recognize the difference between a larger pointy nose and a baby-like 'more optimal nose.' Obviously, an adult nose is larger, but notice in the older gentleman it protrudes toward you more and is angled downard. In the FAMOUS tab we will guide you to examples of many individuals with larger pointy noses. People that you likely recognize.
In our travel experience, the area of the world with the LARGEST noses, is the Middle East. A large, bulbous nose, is a sign that the person is more self-centered, more self-xxx. And wouldn't you know, the country with the highest percentage of nose jobs is - Iran. Here are some articles - CBS News 2005 - ITV - Daily Mail - Short documentary - Nose Jobs Iran on Youtube.
It's interesting to note, that these are some of the OLDEST CULTures in the world. They are frequently in conflict, with significant corruption in numerous instances - which you can research on your own, if you dare. There is also a stereotype known as a - Jewish Nose. This is reflective of Jewish deception & lying. That's another story entirely. Watch Atrocity, Inc to get some insights, but the "rabbit hole" goes very deep. Scared you may be to go down it.
We may also read or hear about nose jobs being done by Hollywood actors and actresses. Hollywood, by and large, is all about ME-ME --> and that leads to the growth of the nose. Be careful what you wish for. Hollywood has many imitators. Bollywood, Tollywood, Nollywood... With the power of modern media, certain cultural values have spread far and wide.
So, instead of fixing the INNER problem which relates to the size and shape of the nose, many choose external surgery - which only address the OUTER appearance.
There is also the case for those with a nose that is too flattened. This is common in many Africans and some groups of Asians, as well as indigenous groups, in our opinion. These individuals don't have enough of a sense of being. The YOU form of Mind / No Mind would probably be most helpful for those, where as those with pointy noses will find the I form more relevant to their situation - if they want to lower their pride and reduce the size of their nose.
Extra: Consider the effect of immigration / emigration, world travel, world trade and political relations as it relates to noses, and as it relates to me-me-me culture.
We've talked about size. Now, let's talk more about shape.
Look at the two images to the left. The first is of a young woman who has the early stages of a pointy nose. It is already obscuring her nostrils in a straight on view. The second image is of an older man with a clear hook nose.
Pointy noses - They may not lie to you or anyone you know, but they are lying to someone and/or themselves about something and/or thinking of themselves more - self-conscious. We could list traits that correlate with individuals with pointy noses, but you may not agree with them - for these traits can be hidden well and only come out when the individual is in certain situations. Or in certain conversations. How well do you know those people around you? Even people you see everyday at work.
Hook - Deception. The nose has begun to 'hook.' Be cautious around such individuals. They are holding a lot of dark energy. They are likely to say one thing, but mean another and/or do another quite frequently.
Both individuals also have more narrow eyes.
Let's look at the noses of famous and historical people rather than just stock images.
Once you know what to look for, looking at noses of famous and semi-famous people in the news may prove enlightening, for you can correlate their public persona with their face. Going a step further, looking at noses of people in the past may also be educational. Some of us base our belief systems on the work / beliefs of prominent people in the past, nevermind the present. Just on learning to read noses alone, you may reconsider what you thought was true...
Famous people are useful because there are many photos of them from when they were young to when they became older. We'll leave it to you to look for those images - they are easy to find. You can notice definite nose growth with some of them. In other words, earlier in life they were more honest, but as pride increased, they became more dishonest.
Regarding the two images on the left - Richard Nixon was a former US President who is famous for resigning over an incident called Watergate. Really, does anyone make it to the top in politics anywhere without telling a few lies? What do you think? His nose is large and pointed. Some Taiwanese noticed it.
Steve Jobs is famous as the founder of Apple. Many people look up to him as a God of sorts, in our opinion. His nose toward the end of his life is very pointy. Click here for a larger image of the one on the left. How much do you know about his explosive personality? Anger issues. His dark energy (internal stress) affected his health. If he could have waved a magic wand to live a much longer and healthy life but had to give up some of his fame / wealth / material riches - how much do you think he would have given up? 10%? 20% 50%? 75%? 90%? 99%? (1% of the billions he had would still be a lot for most) He is famous for promoting the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iCloud, i-everything. I-I-I, Me-Me-Me. Learning about EMF and mobile phone / wireless technology might be useful for your health. It's always what "they" don't tell you, or rather, the questions you don't think to ask, until later, if ever. "They" may not even know. Blinded by their own swollen intellect they may be. Here's another useful video.
Here are some noses of some famous dead people that we have noticed. This is a random and not so random list. :) Sorted by death date.
Some may find it odd to include the individuals above together, but we are trying to show that being dishonest affects people of all walks of life and levels of success. Besides, if you accept Mind / No Mind - there are no heroes. Just people / souls that have affected you more or less.
[ Future additions/analysis (On a separate page or video) will include more sculptures from individuals in the past. Like Julius Caesar and other notable Romans - like Crassus, Cicero, Pompey, Nero, and Augustus. Everyday Romans that are found in mosaic tiles. Also portraits of people like - Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Christian apologist and author CS Lewis, Isaac Newton, and famous painters such as Van Gogh. Others include Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and "Honest Abe" - Abraham Lincoln. Also various Kings and Queens. More religious figures like Imams. More African and Asian figures. More women. A complete picture to see how pride operates throughout history and at many levels of society, all over the world. Portrait Painting.]
- Emperor Constantine - man who put modern day Christianity on the map. You don't think he lied about something, do you? His nose says he wasn't honest about something. Besides, what kind of person builds a 40 foot statue of themselves! You might find this documentary interesting - The First Christians (PBS) (Photo credit: Jean-Christophe Benoist / CC 3.0)
- Leonardo Da Vinci - considered a genius by many. There are many VERY intelligent people in our world, with high IQs - but their EQ is in the dumps. Not only that, but their intelligence is often specialized! Meaning not seeing the big picture as well, so perhaps, not so intelligent at all.
- Sir Francis Drake - captain of second successful (continuous) voyage around the world, and first Englishman. A hero to many in the UK. A pirate to others. Treated his enemies (that he didn't blow to smithereens) well by all accounts, enlightened for his day. Knew Queen Elizabeth I well - another elongated, and starting to hook, nose. Drake played several instruments while sailing.
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - first "rock" star? Music can be beneficial, to a point. Because after all, what you find good, is not good for others. Which might make you ask the question - why are particular melodies / song notes enjoyable for some, but not for others!? A painting of Wolfgang in his later years seems to show less of an elongated nose. As they are paintings and not photos, hard to say which is more accurate - or did it shrink? Difficult personal life despite musical success. More popular post-humously than in his own time. Master of sound as it related to feelings, but not feelings themselves. Mozart spent about 1/3 of his life traveling. What Mozart Really Looked Like
- Charles Darwin - proponent of natural selection / evolution - could his pride have blinded him in his interpretation of his observations? Or his sadness? Maybe you know, grief can cloud our thoughts. See Alfred Russell Wallace - multiple discovery. Quantum Entanglement?
- Andrew Carnegie - supporter of libraries, church organs, and music halls. Father of modern day philanthropy, 2nd richest man ever behind John D. Rockefeller after selling Carnegie Steel. Tried to BUY PEACE in the world - that was a failure even with all his money. Yet, people continue to this day to try and BUY peace (and health) externally and internally. Money helps, but only so far. One could argue he set a foundation for the present day United Nations. Photo above shows a large bulbous nose in his older years. Larger than when he was younger. Spent a lot of effort accumulating wealth, and a lot of effort getting rid of it - conflicted. Wrote a lot of books, thought he was wiser than others. Pride of knowledge / intelligence. One of the most well connected men of his time. Carnegie traveled around the world (wrote a book on it), and traveled extensively in the USA and Europe during his life. Carnegie was good with sound in his earlier years.
- Marie Curie - winner of 2 Nobel Prizes. How much did her pride / work ethic prevent her from leading a more balanced life? Melancholic disposition. How much do you know about the history of one of her greatest discoveries - Radium?
- General Patton - elongated nose. What is the military structure all about?
- Albert Einstein - lived with several major regrets. Understood physics and math. High IQ, lower EQ.
- Princess Diana - considered beautiful by many, but she had a tormented love life, did she not? When we pay too much attention to external distractions like jewelry and titles, we may not notice the facial clues. Also, when we remove makeup, a truer picture emerges. "She had a bit of a big nose." (Daily Mail)
- Yassar Arafat - How about his efforts at achieving peace for the region? Easy to get distracted by his headscarf. Focus on the nose! This photo shows a child standing behind a younger Arafat. The child doesn't have a pointy or large nose at all - Arafat does. (Photo Credit: World Economic Forum / CC 2.0)
- Pope John Paul II - a Saint eh? Becoming a saint apparently has a low honesty threshold. Who wants to look at the noses of all the past Popes - since there are paintings or photos of pretty much all of them. (Photo by WC Peace)
- Saddam Hussein - leader of Iraq for a long time. Notice how in his photo from 1979 --> 2003 his nose and nostrils are much larger. Over the years his pride and self-consciousness grew dramatically. (Photos by Iraq News Agency and US Govt)
- Muammar Gaddafi -leader of Libya for a long time - died like this. One of his heroes was another man with a large pointy nose - 2nd President of Egypt - Abdel Nasser. His eyes are very narrow, along with a large nose. (Photo Credit: Agência Brasil / CC 3.0)
With the knowledge in this section you should have a better idea of how to spot deception. Go ahead - look at pictures of people in the media that are alive. Politicians, religious leaders, corporate CEOs, those you are physically attracted to. Celebrities, family members, newscasters, health gurus, spiritual gurus. Relationship experts, industry experts, prominent scientists and engineers. Those with "nice personalities." See how many liars there are out there. See for yourself.
Final Thoughts
In general, men have bigger noses than women, because women have been oppressed for longer, their egos held in check. Many women who have been rising to the top, do have enlarged noses. There are also many women who are considered "hot and attractive" that have elongated noses - just type in the names of famous living fashion models and see for yourself. And speaking of women, where else did the stereotypical witch nose come from? Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - see People Magazine's Cover for Most Sexist Man Alive. Really? People who are less honest can "do positive" things or be "nice and generous to you and others" -- but their darkness contributes to our overall darkness, nevermind just the people close to them. It could be affecting someone influential and causing them to do dark things. Since we all have pride, we all contribute to the darkness of the world - until we learn how to purge it - rapidly.
To often be "successful" and/or "normal" in our world (= age of man) today and in the past, many think pride is required - implicitly or explicitly. Or to help us not feel bad about ourselves - lying to our inner core. Telling lies to get ahead or to maintain a certain image. To have a successful or materially rich life. --> To have a 'successful' soul at peace, and longer lasting mental and physical health - that is another story. (Incidentally, Steve Jobs believed in past lives and a soul - what do you think he would say to himself in this life from his future life, if he could - but maybe reincarnation isn't true, after all, Steve Jobs has had an elongated nose for much of his life - what do you think? If it is true, where do you think liars and dishonest people get reincarnated? Could it be --> countries which score low on honesty!?? Do you know the names of the fastest growing and/or most populous countries in our world? Like attracts like....re-in-car-NATION)
On this page we've identified dishonest people (liars) at the top of industry, 3 / 4 major religions (we'll expose the 4th one - Hinduism soon, as well as many/all other minor religions), "science," those who believe in just evolution, military, social life, and politics, throughout history - just by looking at the nose. Thought leaders.
Some of what a dishonest person says may be "true" - the question is what? If you know them well, you probably have a good idea. If you only know them through books, video, print, the internet, or at a distance in person - much less. If they aren't truthful about certain parts of their life - should you trust their opinions about other subjects? That is for you to decide. And what may be "true" for you at a moment in time, may not be "true" later as circumstances and requirements change, and as your experience of what is possible / not possible changes.
We have a tendency to think of liars as "bad" people. People with a non baby-like noses, are not "bad." Do you have a pointy / hook nose? Are you "bad?" In fact, the more you lower your pride / sense of self (conscious and later, repressed), the more you understand that no-one is "bad," no matter how terrible it seems what they / you have done. Because one starts to understand how we are all connected, how we all share energy with one another and how our own thoughts affect other people's thoughts and actions. And on top of that, we understand the journey of our souls through time - but that is another story completely. Besides, what is bad and good is relative to one's experience. What is good for you and bad for one, is not necessarily for another.
On the other hand, there are many high achievers with larger, and/or pointy noses (See famous). They are not as "good" as others may make them out to be or as they themself may say they are. One example is people in the media praising certain individuals in the media - endlessly.
People with hook, pointy, or large noses, they may have helped you along on your own life / soul journey - in some cases, more than you might have ever imagined. Another reason not to think of "them or yourself" as bad. After all, this website would not be possible without the efforts of many people with non baby-like noses. The irony of it all. Lowering our pride / sense of self will change our value system though - reflected in what our CULTures have become - which we are all responsible for, in ways big & small. (Where does our inherent/instinctual value system come from?) We will just start seeing things as cause & effect. That's all.
But, there is a high probability that YOU will feel bad holding whatever lie it is that you are holding.
People with more pinocchio-like noses may be your parents, spouse, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, boss, close relatives, etc...so of course, you probably don't think of them as bad, nevermind yourself. But they are "lying" to someone - it may be primarily just to themselves, strangely enough. Ultimately it comes down to whether you think we can be better than we are.
Those with more Pinocchio like noses may be kind to 99% of other people, except for one, or one group of people (racial for example). And their anger / hate / jealousy / deception / sense of self (self-xxx) or whatever feeling, would still cause their nose to grow. Sometimes you just have to see someone in particular circumstances or with certain kinds of people.
In the story of Pinocchio, when he starts "doing the right thing" his nose shrinks. And that's what will happen to anyone's nose who starts BEing truthful - to themselves and others. Of course, we have a great ability to lie to ourselves - which is where - Mind / No Mind comes in - there are no shortcuts with that. (That's one reason why the word - never - is used) And if taken further - vision improvement, health, etc..
Since everyone has dark energy, everyone is revealing what kinds they have right in plain sight. For some it is in the eyes, others it's the nose, and for others it's being overweight (Emotional eating). Or some combination. Some don't show up on photos, because the trait is still developing / growing - like the sound of their voice, or level of tenseness. There are other signs....
Nose through time for WC Peace can be found here (future)