A number of years ago, I was living in Medellin, Colombia. While there, I met a girl that I started a relationship with. I will spare you the details.
The happy times didn't last very long at all, though they were intense very quickly. (Later I would learn why this relationship was such a "soap opera") To make a long story short, one night we met up in a happening part of the city. We ended up getting in an argument later that night and a most astonishing thing happened - I saw her eyes change color from green (hazel) to brown in real-time as I was talking to her. I was looking right at her face to face. It wasn't lighting or anything else. She was angry. And that surge of emotion changed her eye color momentarily.
Here are the color of her eyes:
They changed from green to brown for a few seconds at most. It was a momentary, but distinct color change. We saw each other again many times after this incident, her eyes were definitely her natural color then.
Since that event I started to wonder if my eyes would ever change color as I cleaned up my inside. As I now realized emotions and feelings were connected to our eye color. My eyes have possibly lightened over the years but they are still brown. I expect them to change in the future once this internal cleansing process of negative emotions and the stoppage of eating certain foods takes place.
With this said, here is what I've learned from scanning the Internet. (There is more information online now then when this incident occurred in 2007 or 2008 - there was enough to validate my observation though)
- WC Peace
Map of Blue-Eyed Britain (Daily Mail)
What's the distribution of eye colors in the world? (Quora) - 55-75% brown, 8% blue, 2% green, 5% amber, 5-8% hazel -- Eye Color Guide - The Most Common Eye Colors
How come all Chinese people have black hair and brown eyes? (AFSpot) - lots of opinions on this discussion thread. Most people are stuck on the "gene or melanin" explanation. Again, feelings.... There is one interesting commenter who notes how their brother's eye color changes with the weather! From green-hazel to gray!
Eye and Hair Color of Americans - 1985 - white / black / hispanic (GNXP)Buzzle has some nice links about eye color compiled.
Blacks with lighter eyes -- Asians with lighter eyes
Lots of explanations online will talk about how melanin is the cause of our eye color, but this is and was an insufficient explanation for this situation. Again, for the most part "science" - doesn't know jack - about how feelings work. But, now, you are becoming an "expert" with your own, and everyone elses.
There is something electro-chemical going on, related to feelings that changes the expression of our dna/genes/tissue/ whatever related to our eye color.
Why do Hazel Colored Eyes Change (Reddit) - You'll see explanations from people stating that it is just lighting. But, you can't see a real-time change in your own eyes unless you are looking at a mirror (or someone tells you). And really, how often do people look in the mirror at their eyes when they are at the peak of an emotional event. Read the - vickimom - comment. Also the - niomian - comment.
Origin of Green Eyes (Owlcation) -- More insights here.
Future table - country, eye color %, and exceptions, and cultural note.
China - brown
India - brown
Indonesia -
Vietnam -
Japan - brown
Thailand -
Afghanistan - National Geographic Afghan girl
Is there an optimal color for our eyes? I think it would be pretty boring if everyone had the same eye color. What if there was a set of optimal colors? What would it be based on? Well, I have an idea, but we would have to start talking anthropology as well as other subjects. That is better left for another time and day. Needless to say, none of the mainline explanations are acceptable.
Optimal eyes would grab your attention. They would mesmerize you, perhaps. Maybe you already know some people with these eyes. What colors would these eyes be? I'll leave that for you to judge. I will say, I don't think my eyes are mesmerizing. And if anger caused my ex-girlfriend's eyes to turn dark brown, that certainly isn't an optimal color in my book. Neither is her eye color, hazel. I still have junk feelings inside me as I write this in late 2016, so let's see what happens!
Mesmerizing eyes are only in part due to color, there is also something we could call - sparkle - for lack of a better word. Perhaps you can recognize people of any eye color who may seem to very tired or "have the life drained out of them." Or people who "can't look you in the eye." So, again, raw color is just one component. And perhaps something else that isn't seen with the naked eye....see the Red Eye Reduction tab. Of course, eye color is just one part of who we are physically. And of course, physical attraction is based on more than just eye color. Here are some links to eye color preference - Racial Reality - UK males - - All About Vision. Various other links about eye color are at the All About Vision link.
Note: Some people in the media and / or that you know personally may appear to have mesmerizing eyes, but they could be fake - colored contact lenses, combined with digital editing [There is no end to fakeness in our world it seems]. Prolonged use of colored contact lenses has health implications. For they will alter the wavelengths of light entering the eye. Also contacts don't allow our eyes to breathe properly. Apparently there is also surgery to change eye color. Of course, there are risks. On that note, which eye color do you find mesmerizing? Any of these? What if we had the ability to change our eye color at will? Or what if it changed depending on the circumstances we were in. Such as night vs day - see Night Vision in the DARK SKIES theme. That would be cool. Who knows what is possible....
Mesmerizing eyes are probably NOT any of these colors - purely white, black, yellow, or red. Looking at scary movie characters and the eye color used may be insightful. Yet, any mesmerizing eye color is a combination of other colors. It's the balance of colors that counts.
Celebrities who wear colored contacts - Huff Post -- Heterochromia / One woman's experience
Judging by the comments on the video below, people can be quite defensive about their eye color - there is nothing wrong with me! Well, assuming you've read the book, there is something "wrong" with all of us, relatively speaking. Add in the videos from EXTRAORDINARY ABILITIES, and there is something else going on, that no one has explained properly.
Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Colors of our eyes don't even have to be labeled or thought of as ugly or beautiful. They are just a sign of our internal health (as it relates to dark energy / repressed feelings / diet) - that's all.
A Few more videos
Whites of your eye become whiter? -- Changing Your Eye Color With Raw Foods -- - Did my eyes change color on a raw vegan diet?
How My Eyes Changed On A Raw Food Vegan Diet - not eye color, but area around her eyes - would be nice to see her before photo
Here are some links that may clarify or confuse.
Before and After Eye Color Change (30 Bananas A Day)
Iridology Eye Color Change(Cure Zone)
Will your eyes change colour on a raw vegan diet...(Vice)
Why do Eyes Change Color with Moods, Emotions, Age and Season
7 Things Your Eye Color Says About Your Health (Prevention)
Quite a number of years ago I ran an experiment with some friends. We took pictures of each other with a camera and flash. They had red-eyes and I didn't. Same camera, same flash, same lighting conditions. Why the difference?
Well, this is part speculation. But, you know that phrase - the eyes are the window to the soul? (What is the soul, if such a thing exists? Just energy? ) Shine (flash) a bright light into the eyes, and what do you see? Maybe they are the red eyes of jealousy and envy? Or is envy green-eyed? Or maybe a combination of all feelings noted in Mind / No Mind? I've never been a particular jealous or envious person, despite often living in very well to do areas. (Now I know why....) Yes, some faint feelings I've noticed in my life, but nothing major. I have had red-eyes in camera shots earlier. So, the flash will show the state of feelings circulating in our system? The state of of our energy? A state of our soul? Do you have another explanation for the difference?
On this note, why are certain people / groups of people more jealous / envious than others? Do animals get jealous? Wild vs domestic?
Conscious jealousy and envy are knocked out with Mind / No Mind. Who wants to let go of this eBaggage?
This is an easy experiment you can do at home with your family and friends. See for yourself! Just make sure to turn off red-eye reduction on the camera! Technology deception...