There used to be an embeddable map of the Corruptions Perception Index by Transparency International. At the moment this is no longer available. To see the full results click on the links below.
2015 results (Transparency Int'l')
Select countries from the 2015 results, with a brief note
Grades for all 50 states on corruption -- Ranking The States From Most To Least Corrupt - more granular information on the USA
There are many ways of being dishonest. Some people are more dishonest when they are empowered, some when they are powerless. Some are more dishonest with themselves, some with others, some more so in group behaviors. Some are more truthful in business, but might lie more in personal matters, or the reverse may be true.
Absolute power corrupts goes the saying, but so does desperation. What if we could prevent both of these statements from being true?
Also, if you take a "fish out of their sea," their honesty may go up or down, depending on the circumstances. This is akin to someone becoming a minority where they were once a majority (Immigrants), or vice versa.
The rankings paint a broad brush, but looking at news headlines from individual countries will support the analysis. To know the honesty of a particular individual you must learn how to face read and remove emotional distortion in your own mind / heart. For in a given population of a lower ranked country there will be a percentage that are more honest than others, more honest than average folk in countries that are ranked higher. That is the only way. Many people like to "assume the best" and "silence / dismiss the negative." If you've read the book, you may see a different viewpoint. Positive-bias. Travelers to some countries ranked lower may come back with glowing reports of their experience, but really - how deep did they investigate the culture?
Learn the reason why corruption / dishonesty exists by reading the book! And the way to get rid of it!
Keep in mind, this is only the perspective of this organization, but it is a powerful reference point.
In looking at the rankings of honesty, we have come to the following conclusions:
1. Countries with Jante Law or the equivalent way of thinking are the most honest. They are helped along by being located in far Northern climates. Weather humbles us too.
2. Countries which are the dominant ones in their area tend to be more dishonest, while conversely the "humbled" ones or overshadowed countries, tend to be more truthful. New Zealand - Australia and Canada - USA being good examples of this.
3. Small countries with multiple cultures which provide perspective often results in a more honest culture. Singapore and Switzerland are examples of this.
4. You may have heard about Japanese being honest people - especially after the large earthquake that affected the nation. Honest Japanese Return $78 Million in Cash Found in Quake Rubble (ABC - USA) - Daily Mail - Slate --> but this doesn't necessarily mean on an individual level-issue, or to those who do not "belong to the group labeled Japanese or those living in Japan." Saving face is widespread in Japan. Saving face is lying and not saying or expressing what you mean.
Dutch directness (Stuff Dutch People Like) -- Are the Dutch direct or rude? (Telegraph)
The Netherlands is surrounded (Belgium excepted) by 3 much larger nations - Britain / UK, Germany and France.
and an extra one:Many religions and dominant systems of thought arise / arose from dishonest countries / areas. So, what do you believe in? Could there be a lie at the very foundation? Could parts of these ideas / beliefs be right, but others just plain wrong? Or could the entire idea / belief be a lie?
You know you’re in Denmark when… (Blogging Denmark)
The babies who nap in sub-zero temperatures (BBC)
3 years jail for $50 gift? South Korea introduces strict anti-corruption law (CNN) - do places with more honesty need less laws? That would be an interesting comparison. South Korea scored a 56 - F-grade on the Transparency International 2015 list. South Korean culture is related to other nearby cultures too. Those nations don't score particularly well either.
Below are the dominant schools of thought about who we are, place of origin, and current honesty level per Transparency International.
Also some measurements on how we have chosen to live. Even though Transparency Int'l measures current culture - you know, some of these CULTures are very old and have maintained their traditions - of lying. Dark energy has persisted.
In historical order (more or less) with grade/ score-
*It’s said, it’s not what you say, but HOW you say it – intonation and body language. Up to 80%+ of communications is non verbal. These elements of communications are lost when things are written down. Yet the written word has come to dominate our society.
**early Christianity was NOT comprised of a bunch of people all believing in one thing, but a wide variety of beliefs about Jesus. This state of confusion persisted until one group emerged and crushed the others, while discrediting their texts. This was orchestrated by the bishops and Emperor Constantine and his minions – a power grab. To see one of the other side of the stories, watch National Geographic: The Gospel of Judas and PBS - The First Christians. Church hierarchy didn’t (and still doesn't) like those who believed in what is now known as Gnosticism, because gnostics didn’t need a church!
**Council of Nicea dramatization -- Got Questions -- Brittanica
Also interesting - the NAG HAMMADI was discovered right after World War 2. (hmm... timing of that) What's that? - go learn about that and end your ignorance!
*** - When people think of evolution, they most often think of Charles Darwin. Except, there was another co-discoverer of natural selection (simplified as "evolution" by many) and he came to a different conclusion. His name is Alfred Russell Wallace.
Understanding Evolution -- Forgotten Voyage -- Darwin's Heretic
Remember - The VICTORS write the history books - and the victors - are often enough - LIARS! Until you "become the truth" there is no way that you will know the truth - because you won't be able to see through the "fog of lies." The only truth that matters in this regard is not lying to yourself nor to others - you can be the judge of that. Does Quiet Freedom reveal the secret to not lying? You can be the judge of that too!
Did Charles Darwin HATE "God"? Hate blinds us - as you may know the saying. Darwin had a daughter who died young.
For some of the individuals noted above, we also have (relatively) accurate images - photos, paintings or sculptures of the founder / proponent of the belief system. If you know how to face read, it is VERY EASY to see how much of a liar they are / were. Refer to - Pinocchio Nose - under Mind / No Mind.
If you understand how dark energy persists, than you also understand that there is no way any of these historical individuals could have escaped it - because knowledge / awareness of how it works - DID NOT EXIST! And even if we assumed that the founder of XX religion/way of life was 100% truthful, the ability/honesty of those early followers to interpret the message taints the message.
On a side note, Western culture is very PERSON focused. Eastern is the opposite. You can see this in the difference in traditional paintings. Western artwork is littered with portraits and images of people. Asian, or at least Chinese is rich with landscape paintings. Portraits are limited. A book titled Selected Works of Chinese Paintings might be interesting. Or just going to museums of both types and looking! So...each side is blind about different things!
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Fake Teeth http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/01/hair-dye-a-history/383934/ https://www.wired.com/2013/05/why-silicon-valley-is-into-hair/ http://www.economist.com/node/631692 Plastic surgery - cosmetic enhancements FAKEbook - social media profiles Counterfeit China Being Nice - fake Being fake is ingrained in our CULTures. Several kinds of fake.... Artificially prolonging our lives...