This page explores the formal study of happiness. In this section one will learn about the formal study and what researchers believe are the factors that promote or diminish happiness.
From our viewpoint these studies of happiness have been effective at identifying places, but they do not explore the very deep reasons for contentment / joy / satisfaction.
In the future we would like to post a more in-depth discussion on these tabs.
The videos we have provided above have been posted to Youtube/Vimeo by their creators. We do not post videos of other programs that have not been posted by their creators.
CBS 60 Minutes (USA) did a segment on Happiness in Denmark. If you would like to watch it, you can subscribe for 99 cents/month to watch all past programs of 60 minutes.
Pursuit of Happiness (CBS 60 Minutes)ABC News program, 20/20, also did an episode on happiness in Denmark.
Some notes on the videos above:
All these videos focus on the structure of Denmark society. Laws, societal organization....while these all play a role, none of these are the root / very deep why. Happiness is an individual thing too. Each of us have had (relatively) unique experiences and we live in (relatively) different circumstances. Which means to reach "higher levels" of happiness, we must know the reasons why we are unhappy. By focusing on facts, rather than feelings, we are distracted from finding the source of our own unhappiness. To find deep contentment, we must go beyond the surface / superficial aspects of society that we live in.
Oprah -- we don't know if there was an entire episode with more detail, but our take on this video clip is that it only talks about the positives. Again, Denmark is NOT perfect. Denmark is NOT perfect. Denmark is NOT perfect.
Euronews -- More insights in this 9 minute video. Happiness studies have been going for a lot longer than noted in this video. But, the UN sponsored one is the one noted. The video talks about trust. But, what makes people trustworthy? What if we could make the whole world trustworthy? Sounds like a pipe dream, until you decide to become more trustworthy yourself, and then you begin to see how making yourself more trustworthy impacts everyone you've been in contact with. Who wants to learn? Also mentions a Scandinavian model - which again, is focusing on superficial outcomes. After all, who wants to pay more taxes when they believe their government is not trustworthy & responsible. But, governments are just made up of people.
Journalism Report - well balanced indie report.
List of Countries by Suicide Rate (Wikipedia) -- USA vs Denmark suicide rate
Happy documentary - there is a segment covering Denmark.
Russia Today - this video does raise valid points, but it is focusing on facts.
Happiness is relative, like everything else. Happiness is momentary and fleeting. Offer a coffee drinker a latte, espresso, and they will be all smiles. Give someone with a chocolate or sweet craving, and a chocolate chip cookie could be a momentary ticket to happiness.
What makes one person happy, does not make another happy. For this reason, the reasons Denmark or another country are happy on a surface / superficial level may not be directly transferable to your situation / other countries. We live in different climates and geographical areas. But, how they created a happier society, how as in the thought process, and really the motivation behind the society they have created is.
And that is what you learn about by reading the book, of course!
In Quiet Freedom, Amanda explored what the definition of happiness was/is, as it applies to her life experience.
Being at the top of the happiness stakes, does not make one perfect. Being at the top of anything does not make one perfect, although we can sometimes idealize those at the top as such. Denmark is NOT perfect. Scandinavia is NOT perfect. No country is a utopia.
The word 'perfect' is relative too, one wo(man)'s perfect, is another's -- not so perfect.
Is happiness not complaining, or rather complaining less?
Is happiness worrying less? Not worrying at all?
Wouldn't a happy place have a low murder rate?
Wouldn't a happy place be one where you didn't have to lie, exaggerate, or fudge the 'truth' as you perceived it?
Wouldn't a happy place have a low crime rate? No need to steal?
How much of your happiness is tied to external events and circumstances being "right" in your eyes?
If we are personally happy, but the world crumbles around us and other people suffer, and places we enjoy get ravaged, are we still happy?
Are we satisfied with the happiness we get from smoking, caffeine, sugary foods?
OR is happiness having a fancy car, "big" house, a "great" job, and a "perfect" family as (some / many) are inclined to believe - either consciously or unconsciously?
Happy Planet Index -- well-being and life expectancy, combined with ecological footprint. This measure is not an effective psychological determinant of the happiest nation as it incorporates ecological footprint. In addition, life expectancy is not an effective measure from our perspective, because, longer doesn't mean happier!
Gallup Well-Being Index --- Panama #1? (USA Today) --- Gallup WIN Index (Different)Global Peace Index (Wiki) - Since 2007, #1 is often Iceland. Easier to do when you are far away from everyone. Who is #1 in continental Europe? #2 overall in the world from 2012-2016?
Who's happy? Don't listen to what people say - that is only a temporary state. Just look at their face. The vast majority of older people look "old" - because of internal stress. They may have lots of fancy material things, but the face says it all about their internal state. Some of them have learned to mask their age with chemical products, but learn a little about face reading, digital editing, get rid of emotions clouding your judgement, and their deception is clear.
Noticed on TV...NBA legend Larry Bird -- surely he must be happy with all his money, championships, etc.... -- just look at his face lines.
Because of ignorance / habit / intellectual laziness - we attribute many things to "aging" - when in fact it is life choices.